STEM Contractors

STEM sector

Grow your STEM contractor hiring business with us.

Workwell in STEM

The STEM sector, and IT in particular, is a buoyant area for recruitment.

To succeed you need a reliable, compliant and responsive workforce management partner to meet the unique needs of your clients & contractors.

Helping your business to thrive

We appreciate the importance of being able to place contractors quickly and seamlessly into roles with the right payroll arrangements.


Why work with us?

We deliver all the support your business needs to recruit, place and pay contractors in STEM fields quickly and compliantly.

We are proud of our long-standing track record in this sector, particularly in IT, and can safely say we understand the nuances, which makes all the difference when you’re under pressure to meet your clients’ demands.

By partnering with us, you’ll be looked after by our dedicated team and have access to our full suite of solutions including:

  • FCSA-accredited Umbrella and limited company solutions.
  • Back-office and funding solutions to help your business grow.
  • Support with all aspects of compliance from our expert team.
  • Training & day-to-day support for your candidates & consultants.



STEM Contractors

How can we help?

First-class, compliant payroll solutions for your contractors – with all the support they need.

STEM Contractors


A hassle-free way for your healthcare contractors to work.


With a service entirely built around your recruitment business and contractors, you’ll find we’re proactive, responsive and great at meeting your needs on a day-to-day basis.

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STEM Contractors

Limited company (PSC)

Our award-winning service gives your contractors everything they need to set up and run a limited company.


From company formation to annual accounts and everything in between, our service is super-simple, hassle-free & compliant, just what you’d expect from a company that’s been doing this for 30+ years.

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STEM Contractors


For many end hirers and staffing businesses, managing payroll and compliance is a huge distraction.


PEO can be a great solution and an alternative to Umbrella: a simple and reliable way to outsource all your contractor payroll and employment activity.

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STEM Contractors


We take care of the complexities of hiring & managing workers overseas.

With unrivalled experience, we can keep you and your clients safe in more than 80 countries throughout the world.

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Your long-term partner

We’re here to deliver a great service to your business.

  • Dedicated account managers.
  • Offices open 6 days a week (8am to 8pm Monday to Friday & 9am to 12 noon on Saturdays).
  • The best cyber security & business continuity in the industry to ensure we can always make payments, no matter what.
  • FCSA accredited, award-winning contractor accountancy service.
  • One of the UK’s longest-established Umbrella companies.
  • Efficient on-boarding processes including same-day right-to-work checks.


STEM Contractors

Ready to Workwell with us?